It is good to know who you are are and what you're capable of.
Psychometric tools, such as our proprietary-developed MPPI, are among the most efficient, cost-effective and accurate tools of competency assessment as a basis for key decisions in modern recruiting and talent management processes. They significantly enhance your company's chances of appointing the right personalities to key positions. Sound profiling during the recruiting process ensures that you have the right fit for the job. Management and sales in particular are areas where it pays to invest in personality testing. Failure to fully exploit a market or a badly managed team can cost a company dearly. We offer cutting-edge and scientifically objective methods that enable robust screening and selection processes and help create requirement profiles that ensure you make the right hire for key positions. Experience has shown that the accuracy of hiring recommendations depends not only on the collection of qualitative and quantitative data related to cultural and organisational dimensions, but also on the quality of the requirement profile with which a prospective candidate is compared. Informed HR decisions can only be achieved through a combination of valid measurements and requirement profiles.
Talent Mapping
Highly qualified employees are a much sought after human resource. Our MPPI helps you identify high potentials within your own organisation. These days, the foremost priority for any forward-looking company must be to retain its key players – nurturing good employees and creating a culture of continuous further development has to be a crucial part of any retention plan. Our MPPI tools provide a transparent analysis of the capabilities, competencies and skills of individuals, which enables extremely detailed talent mapping. Talent mapping empowers organisations to gear active support measures towards high potentials in order to nurture and develop their talents and increase their affiliation and commitment to the organisation. Such measures increase an employee's identification with the company and the motivation to progress and develop further. This, in turn, ensures higher job satisfaction, better job performance and greater productivity, as well as a reduction in employee turnover – because satisfied and motivated employees are less likely to walk.
Management by Objectives (MbO)
Management by objectives provides a powerful framework for aligning people's actions with the goals of their organisation, whereby the continuous further development of employees is crucial to its successful implementation. It allows an organisation to focus on quantitative and qualitative goals. In order to achieve and stretch these goals on a long-term basis, however, it is necessary to invest in one's human capital. MPPI can be implemented to leverage these personal development goals and compare them with the current status quo of personality development. This reveals not only the strengths and weaknesses of a company, but also analyses the richest sources of potential. This focus allows organisations to both encourage and drive goal-oriented accomplishment. Personal commitment to achieving specific goals increases the quality of the work, which, logically, increases quantity.
Team Building
Psychometric tools, such as MPPI, provide a consistent platform across an organisation for team building and effectively increase awareness of personality differences and how they impact interactions within a team. A group of good individuals do not necessarily make a good team. It is essential that members of a team do not just have the same qualifications, but are also of a similar mindset – a concept that is still quite new to many companies. In order for a team to be successful, it is absolutely key that team members are also a "cultural fit", that they motivate each other in order to strengthen team dynamics and enable the utilisation of team synergies. Our methods clearly show which individuals are capable of being a good team player on a daily basis. Basing your team building decisions on the results of the MPPI will enable you to combine personality traits and characters in a way that enhances interaction and maximises performance.
Conflict Management
From understanding comes insight. Unfortunately, interpersonal disagreements can never be entirely avoided in an organisation as it is an inherent part of man's nature. This is true both of employees and management. Solid profiling using MPPI helps all those involved to deal more effectively with incipient conflicts. It raises awareness and an understanding of human nature so that employees are better able to empathise with their counterparts. In the long term, teaching employees the ability to see the point of view of others can save companies considerable time and money. For effective conflict management, it is therefore important to be able to recognise and evaluate the key causes and the intrinsic and extrinsic motivational connections to specific behaviour patterns by specific individuals. Effective use of MPPI tools can help prevent conflict situations entirely or enable the resolution of the conflict problem at an early stage. The MPPI is also an outstanding tool for developing a positive team and organisational culture.
Training Courses
In training courses, MPPI is primarily used to determine behavioural patterns for various personality traits. Our experts have developed a condensed version of MPPI especially for use in such seminars, the so-called MPPI-4Q. This tool helps determine the four key dimensions of personality traits with regard to working life: assertiveness, conscientiousness, interpersonal skills and social compatibility. Our experience has shown that it is an excellent tool for simulating typical daily requirements (e.g. of management or a salesperson). Participants learn to understand that human behaviour comprises dealing with and responding to specific environments. This produces a behavioural pattern that is influenced by individual personal traits. The ability to recognise these pattens and the opportunity to respond to them considerably facilitates discussions at management/sales level or in any other daily situation.
The information provided by MPPI is particularly useful in the field of coaching. Where coaching was previously bottleneck and then (employee) strength-oriented, it now focuses (and rightly so) on the potential of a company's human capital. Intensive coaching can only be effective, if the coach is able to adapt to the personality traits of the client and recognise their potential. Successful coaching is only possible if realistic and achievable goals have been set based on these fundamental requirements. An effective personality profiling process using MPPI enables a better understanding of the needs and requirements of the client and implementation of a constructive and results-focused action plan.
These days, professional outplacement offers all involved the opportunity for a productive outcome to the necessary organisational change. It is important that those transitioning out of an organisation feel fairly treated. This includes focussing on the well-being of the impacted individual and their future personal development. A tailored plan helps meet complex individual transition needs and aids a positive move forward into a successful re-orientation phase. Using an intensive MPPI-based profiling program, our consultants are able to determine the strengths and potentials of the impacted individual - key factors in terms of any future career development. MPPI tools help set out a forward-looking positive course of action, which helps re-focus and re-energise those affected. Thus, the MPPI smoothes the path of transitioning employees and ensures a fair separation process between the two parties with a minimum of recrimination. Performed well, professional outplacement also offers support to those remaining within an organisation. This helps enhance staff morale and motivation, which ultimately promotes business continuity and benefits the organisation's reputation as a diligent employer in an era of heightened public interest in such events.