MPPI-18 (full version)
During our many years as consultant to professional organisations we have accumulated a wealth of experience in a wide range of profiling methods in the field of personnel diagnostics. These experiences made us appreciate the need for some form of "Best of Profiling" – one that would meet not only the highest scientific standards, but would also be suitable for practical business purposes. As a result, our experienced specialists, in co-operation with the Bremen University, have developed the Multidimensional Personality Performance Inventory (MPPI), which is currently completely unique on the German market. It is not just the quantity, but also the selection of the measured dimensions, which make the MPPI-18 a tool that sets a whole new benchmark in the field of German personnel diagnostics.
The comprehensive and precise measurement of 18 dimensions sets a new benchmark in the field of HR diagnostics.
The MPPI-18 contains the 18 key dimensions that enable the valid prediction of professional success, as well as a specific candidate's suitability for a particular job or team. A significant advantage of the MPPI-18 is that, from a scientific standpoint, it contains the highly complex and important dimensions of "Integrity" and "Achievement motivation". Using conventional methods, these two dimensions alone would generally require two separate test procedures.
While developing the MPPI-18, our key aim was to ensure that it met all scientific criteria in full. The high quality of the MPPI-18 in this respect ensures a strictly methodical procedure and continuous quality control of the individual steps during the design of the dimensions. The high measurement and prediction quality that this produces covers all relevant quality criteria, such as consistency, reliability, validity, representativeness, selectivity, factor analysis, significance etc. We are happy to show you our figures on request.
The MPPI-18 offers our clients a whole range of benefits. The measurement of individual personality traits is an important starting point for self-development – in both a professional and a private context. Using the MPPI-18 enables us to create and compare requirement profiles for our clients. Working in close co-operation with the respective company, we draw up average values and devise strategies for best practice and benchmarks within professional groups and jobs. All participants take part in our convenient online test and are then given immediate access to a 39-page evaluation report for download. Contact us to find out more about the MPPI-18 applications most suited to your requirements!
MPPI-4Q (seminar version)
Our experts have developed a condensed version of the MPPI, the MPPI-4Q, designed especially for use in training sessions. 4Q stands for the 4 qualities that play a key role. This version measures the four dimensions "Assertiveness", "Conscientiousness", "Interpersonal skills" and "Social compatibility" which, in our experience, are strongly indicative of an individual's ability to handle the general communication requirements of everyday life. The individual results of the MPPI-4Q ensure our clients a quick and pragmatic initial insight into personal behaviour patterns. This knowledge can then be used to positively influence all types of discussions with employees, clients and colleagues.